Inner School of Open Studies

by Protey Temen

A) Contents

B) Exhibitions

C) About

Inner School of Open Studies

Inner School of Open Studies is a non-linear, hermetic art project. Dedicated to a combination of synthetic methods for preserving and developing knowledge: language, calculations, and drawing. These methods work together to allow people to understand, communicate, and preserve their findings and theories to others in a precise and accurate manner.

From Cave to Starship

The past is changing more often than the way we perceive it. The illusion that our world is static supported in the XX century by museums and historians who dig through the ashes of civilizations can no longer stand up to the challenges of today. What do we do with our thoughts if from the very day we are born we are immersed in the synthetic reality of long-held beliefs about values?

The Inner School of Open Studies Extended

The Inner School of Open Studies is a non-linear, hermetic art project dedicated to a combination of synthetic methods for preserving and developing knowledge: language, calculations, and drawing. These methods work together to allow people to understand, communicate, and preserve their findings and theories to others in a precise and accurate manner.

The project was created by Protey Temen, an artist who is interested in the intersection of art, science, and philosophy. Temen’s work is often characterized by its use of complex geometric patterns and symbols, which he uses to represent the underlying order of the universe. The Inner School of Open Studies is a living project that is constantly evolving. Temen has created a website where he shares his ideas and work with the public. He also organizes workshops and lectures on the project.

In an interview, Temen said that the Inner School of Open Studies is “an attempt to create a new way of thinking about knowledge.” He believes that the traditional methods of education are no longer adequate for the challenges of the 21st century. “We need new ways of understanding the world around us,” Temen said. “The Inner School of Open Studies is a proposal for a new educational model that is based on the principles of synthesis, collaboration, and open-endedness.” The Inner School of Open Studies is a challenging and ambitious project. However, Temen is convinced that it is necessary for the future of knowledge.

“The world is becoming increasingly complex,” he said. “We need new ways of thinking if we are to understand and shape the world around us.”

The Inner School of Open Studies is a project that is still in its early stages. However, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about knowledge. It is a project that is worth watching.

Algorithms of Anticipation for Simulated Imagination

 The development of algorithms of anticipation for simulated imagination is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field. These algorithms are used to create simulations that can predict the future, or to generate new ideas and possibilities.

There are many different approaches to the development of algorithms of anticipation. Some algorithms are based on statistical analysis of historical data, while others are based on more complex models of human cognition.

One of the most promising approaches to the development of algorithms of anticipation is based on the concept of “simulated imagination.” In simulated imagination, a computer program is used to generate a virtual world that is based on our understanding of the real world. This virtual world can then be used to simulate different possible futures, or to generate new ideas and possibilities.

The development of algorithms of anticipation for simulated imagination has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about the future. These algorithms could be used to help us to make better decisions, to solve problems, and to create new art and literature.

However, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed before these algorithms can be widely used. One challenge is that these algorithms are often very complex and computationally expensive. Another challenge is that these algorithms can be easily fooled by biased data.

Despite these challenges, I believe that the development of algorithms of anticipation for simulated imagination is a promising field with the potential to have a major impact on our lives.

The Evolution of Knowledge and Perception

The tools for measuring external realities are evolving daily. Our perception reaches access to higher resolutions through the widespread various methods of education models. This raises the question: is there an amount of knowledge we would consider enough? Who are humans in a relation to science? What does knowledge really want from us?

These are complex questions that have been pondered by philosophers and scientists for centuries. There is no easy answer, but I believe that the evolution of knowledge and perception is a journey that is just beginning.

In the past, our knowledge of the world was limited by our senses. We could only see, hear, smell, taste, and touch what was immediately around us. However, with the development of new tools, such as telescopes, microscopes, and computers, we have been able to extend our reach and gain a deeper understanding of the universe.

Our perception is also evolving. As we learn more about the world, our brains are able to make sense of new information in ways that were not possible before. This is why we are able to see patterns and connections that were previously invisible.

The relationship between humans and science is also changing. In the past, science was seen as a purely objective pursuit. However, we are now beginning to understand that science is also a human endeavor. Our own biases and limitations influence the way we conduct research and interpret data.

This does not mean that science is not valuable. On the contrary, science is one of the most powerful tools we have for understanding the world around us. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of science and to be open to new ways of knowing.

So, what does knowledge really want from us? I believe that knowledge is a gift. It is something that we should cherish and share with others. Knowledge can help us to solve problems, to create art, and to make the world a better place.

The journey of knowledge and perception is a lifelong one. There is no end point, no final destination. The more we learn, the more we realize how much we still have to learn. And that is what makes it so exciting.